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Maryland Stem Cell Research Commission Announces New Funding Opportunities | State |

By November 11, 2019No Comments

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COLUMBIA, Md., Nov. 7, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — The Maryland Stem Cell Research Commission (Commission) issued a Request for Applications (RFAs) for its second round of funding for fiscal year 2020 and is looking to continue funding cutting-edge research and accelerating cures through the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund (MSCRF).

Established under the Maryland Stem Cell Research Act of 2006, the MSCRF is currently budgeted to commit up to $8.2 million, in aggregate, in FY2020 to fund grants under all of its RFAs. These RFAs include: Launch Grants, Discovery Grants, Validation Grants, Commercialization Grants, Clinical Trial Grants and Post-Doctoral Fellowships. Under this funding cycle, all research proposals must pertain to human stem cell-based therapy and regenerative medicine.




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