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Treat yourself is a movement among millennials. But it’s something that literally any age group can enjoy. These days with so much negative news, Americans are proactively looking for moments of happiness to boost their moods.

Whether you’re getting a mani-pedi, playing your favorite mobile games, lounging at the pool, or visiting your favorite restaurant, there’s positive health benefits associated with giving yourself a bit of “me time.”

The mobile gaming experts at Fort Mason Games— the female run mobile gaming company that creates games designed to help people relax, destress, and socialize— know how important it is to do something nice for yourself once in a while.

That’s why they commissioned a national survey to find out what Americans think about these occasional respites from routine. Mobile gaming is just one of the ways people choose to treat themselves regularly, taking time to do something special just for themselves!

Here’s some of the ways Americans treat themselves:

WASHINGTON, COLORADO, MARYLAND ARE THE TOP 3 INDULGING STATES. With 93% of Washingtonians (the state, not the district) saying they treat themselves the most, it tops the list– though Colorado (91%) and Maryland (90%) are hot on their heels.



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