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MedImmune central to AstraZeneca-Amgen antibody deal – Washington Business Journal

By April 5, 2012No Comments

MedImmunePharmaceutical giants AstraZeneca PLC and Amgen Inc. just announced a deal to co-develop and co-commercialize five product candidates, all monoclonal antibodies. No surprise here: LLC    – AZ’s Gaithersburg-based biologics arm that specializes in antibody-based products — will be taking on a good deal of the work.

The Maryland biotech took the lead on negotiating the transaction with Amgen and will lead the development of three of the five compounds, President Peter Greenleaf said in an interview Monday afternoon.

To read the full, original article click on this link: MedImmune central to AstraZeneca-Amgen antibody deal – Washington Business Journal



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