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National Cancer Institute SBIR Session

By September 21, 2012No Comments

Tech Transfer Speakers Series - 2nd Anniversary Program -...BHI HQ Logo

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3:30 – 5:00pm
William E. Hanna, Jr. Innovation Center
9700 Great Seneca Highway
Rockville, Maryland 20850


The Gateway to Innovation Celebrates its
2nd Anniversary with National Cancer Institute SBIR Programs!
Register for the general program as usual – and send an email request via Contact the Host Button for a one-on-one consultation time to meet with one of the speakers from 2:00-3:00pm.  First-come, first-served spots available!



Dr. Amir Rahbar 
NCI SBIR Development Center

Deepa Narayanan, 
NCI SBIR Development Center 


Dr. John D.Hewes,
NCI SBIR/Tech Transfer Program 


2 for 1 – National Cancer Institute
SBIR Development Center and NCI SBIR/Tech Transfer Program

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Co-Sponsored by:

BioHealth Innovation, Inc.










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