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NIH Enterprise Directory (NED) and Intramural Investigators

By May 11, 2012No Comments
How can I contact NIH intramural investigators?
You will find contact information for NIH investigators on the NIH Directory or the Search the Studies website.
How can I identify NIH intramural investigators interested in my area of research?
You can search the Database of NIH Intramural Research Reports and the Clinical Center’s Search the Studies website.  By entering key words, such as a disease, a therapy, etc. you may be able to identify a potential collaborator.
The other approach would be to go to the Technology Development Coordinator for the Institute that is most likely engaging in the research of interest and ask for his/her assistance in identifying a collaborator. TDCs are listed here
In addition, there are extramural program resources at Institutes that provide assistance through NIH contractors with compound screening, pre-clinical testing and resources, and clinical trials (usually Phase I and IIa).  There are no charges for these services but access may be triaged tothose most likely to address an otherwise unmet public health need.


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