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BioSciCon, Inc., a woman-owned small business based in Rockville, Maryland focused on providing a low-cost and accessible diagnostic system for the detection of cervical cancer announced today that it is seeking a partner to make its proprietary MarkPap® platform available to women in low- and middle-income countries.

According to BioSciCon Director and President of the Global Academy for Women’s Health Dr. Olivera Markovic, “In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), thousands of women still are dying needlessly every year from cervical cancer due to the astonishingly low screening in LMICs for this highly preventable disease. Our kit and screening model, if applied as designed, could prevent the deaths of about 300,000 women annually, through improved and expanded screening and early detection of cervical cancer.”

The idea for BioSciCon was conceived by Drs. Olivera and Nenad Markovic upon discovery of a new bioactive protein residing only in specimens obtained from abnormal cervical tissues. Continued success of their team of scientists led to the development of a proprietary technology for visualization of this protein by simple laboratory pathology means known as the CAP-PAP Test. The MarkPap® System has been tested in more than 2000 women and proven to result in faster, less expensive and more accurate diagnosis of cervical cancer than the conventional Pap and liquid-based Pap test.  These improved outcomes have been documented in more than 60 publications in peer-reviewed  journals and in the reference guide “What Every Woman Should Know about Cervical Cancer”).  To further the company’s mission to save women’s lives through early intervention in LMICs, BioSciCon is seeking a partner to distribute MarkPap kits to underprivileged women in low resource settings.

Click here for more information.



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