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Seraxis, a private biotech company, is developing a cell therapy to cure insulin-dependent diabetes by replacing the beta cells of the pancreas. Their team of scientists created an induced Pluripotent Stem Cell (iPSC) line, that differentiates robustly into insulin-producing pancreatic cells. These cells are encapsulated to protect them from immune attacks and implanted in relevant models of type-1-diabetes. The safety and efficacy of the Seraxis therapy, SR-01, has been assessed in mice, rat and non-human primates in pre-clinical studies. The well-characterized and stable insulin-producing cells demonstrated a high level of purity, response to glucose challenge and secreted insulin over the 6 months of the studies. Additionally, Seraxis encapsulation technology was shown to efficiently protect these cells from the host immune destruction, while allowing vascularization and nutrition of the cells. In an on-going study, SR-01 has been shown to restore normal glycemic control in immune-competent diabetic rats for more than 3 months.






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