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bhi-logo-600BHI is a public-private partnership with a mission of fostering commercialization of health and life sciences assets with a focus on the Central Maryland region that stretches from Baltimore to the suburbs of Washington, DC. BHI is known for providing commercial assistance to scientists and founders in the early-stages of forming new ventures and supporting the early growth of these ventures. Our goals are aimed at infusing a new class of growth companies in the vibrant biohealth ecosystem in Central Maryland and support the continued growth to be one of the leading clusters of biohealth economic activity in the world. BHI realizes this mission through our partnerships with the leading institutions from industry, government, academia and investment communities with a record of prominence and success within the industry. Our distinguished partners include MedImmune, Qiagen, Becton Dickinson, Roche, Emergent Biosolutions, Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals, Adventist HealthCare, SR One, NEA, Alexandria Real Estate Equities, M&T Bank, Greenspring Associates, Johns Hopkins University, and the University System of Maryland.

Relevant Health

This year BHI partnered with ProductSavvy Consulting and Montgomery County to launch the Relevant Health accelerator program. Relevant Health is a new accelerator for health tech startup companies seeking to positively impact the future of health. Based in Rockville, Maryland, Relevant Health is designed from the ground up to bring the best minds to market. The program is cohort-based, offering accepted founders of health tech companies $50,000, a product-focused curriculum, mentorship, dedicated co-working space, and even access to software developers. The first cohort of companies will enter the program in late October, 2015.
For more information on Relevant Health, click here.


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