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Bloomberg Business SchoolThe new 250,000-square-foot facility will support the Bloomberg School’s mission through dynamic workspaces, state-of-the-art classrooms, and a variety of study, collaboration, and event spaces.

The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health shared the latest updates on their planned new building at the Baltimore City Urban Design & Architecture Advisory Panel (UDAAP) meeting this morning.

The new building will be located on existing Johns Hopkins property at the corner of McElderry and Washington streets—adjacent to the division’s main Wolfe Street building and at the heart of the East Baltimore campus. The school has been working with award-winning, London-based architectural firm Hopkins Architects as design architect and Baltimore-based Hord Coplan Macht Inc. as architect of record to design a facility that will meet the demands of public health education, research, and practice well into the future.

Totaling approximately 250,000 gross square feet across seven floors, the new facility will support the school’s mission of inspiring and educating the next generation of public health leaders through dynamic workspaces, state-of-the-art classrooms, and a variety of study, collaboration, and event spaces, including for events and meetings with community groups.

Currently, the school’s academic departments have outgrown their existing spaces, primarily comprised of two separate buildings on North Wolfe Street and North Broadway. The new facility will connect to the Wolfe Street building, bring the core activities of all 10 departments together in one location, and accommodate the Bloomberg School’s growth. The new building will also add much-needed green space to the campus, including an expansion of the existing School of Nursing courtyard that will provide a shared collegial space for rest and relaxation between the two schools.

“We are thrilled to be able to move this building to the next phase of planning, with a thoughtful design for a modern facility that connects to our current Wolfe Street building, in order to foster interdisciplinary collaboration, enhance our teaching and learning experience, and provide new opportunities for community engagement and convening,” said Bloomberg School of Public Health Dean Ellen J. MacKenzie. “Our goal is to create a vibrant space where researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and students collaborate seamlessly to address the most pressing challenges facing us today. We are excited to create an environment that nurtures innovation and incubates ideas that can advance public health globally.”

Click here to read more via JHU’s HUB.


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