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Alright, in my last post I argued that bootstrapping is just as over-rated as raising venture capital. But for those who decide to pursue fundraising, here are some things entrepreneurs should avoid when raising capital.

For all of the talk about how much excess capital there is, it’s actually hard to raise capital because very few projects fit the VC profile—even though many VC-funded projects come across as frivolous, me-too projects.

Life’s unfair.  To quote Mark Twain: “Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.”  Personally, I’ve bootstrapped my company; initially because I didn’t have to raise capital and then because I didn’t play the game properly or refused to accept what came with the territory.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Things Entrepreneurs Should Avoid When Raising Capital | TechCrunch



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