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Derek Gabbard, CEO of Lookingglass Cyber Solutions in Canton. Gabbard's company recently raised $5 million from investors. (Lloyd Fox, Baltimore Sun / February 2, 2012)

Derek Gabbard wasn’t dreaming of California when he sought to raise investment capital for his Baltimore-based cybersecurity firm.

But the CEO of Lookingglass Cyber Solutions lucked out with a connection to venture capitalists in the state that dwarfs all others in terms of venture capital. With a San Francisco investment firm taking the lead on the investment and a Maryland firm following, Gabbard recently raised $5 million.

Such deals, where Mid-Atlantic technology companies straddle both coasts for investors, have been cropping up lately, though the dynamics underlying them vary. Leaders of local companies hunting for early-stage financing have made pilgrimages to California and either returned with a big check — or advice to move to that state or New York City if they want to build their businesses.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Venture capital: Maryland startups look west for investors –



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